10 thoughts on “Moving To Mobile Learning: Three Key LMS Questions

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  5. Pingback: LMS Renovation: Learning From Reality TV | Learning In The Cloud

  6. Great article. address the exact dilemmas I’m currently dealing with.
    My only problem is with the statement “Imagine how you can take advantage of those capabilities to accomplish what traditional LMS platforms and web applications cannot do”
    I’ve been searching and digging for ideas of how to enrich my mobile tools and exploit the unique capabilities of mobile devices, and found almost none.
    the debate of mobile compatible web vs native apps is alive and kicking. this is definitely not a knock-out situation…

  7. Thanks for the article. I have a question regarding “responsive design”. In reality, it seems that RD is distinctly NOT reacting to my device. On my laptop I am forced to look at huge fonts, endless scrolling, and double-clicks to get anywhere because pages are designed for mobile only. Most websites’ *responses* to my laptop seem to be “forgettaboutit!”

    • Thanks for you comment, Cady. This is an issue with some “mobile” sites these days. While mobile-first applications are designed with responsive behavior as a primary requirement, many existing websites haven’t yet caught-up with the ability to deliver a fully responsive, mobile experience.

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